Program Gap Analysis

PSM/RMP/CalARP Program Gap Analysis involves systematically evaluating an organization’s safety programs in light of regulatory requirements. The analysis identifies gaps, shortcomings, or areas for improvement in these programs, enabling businesses to enhance their safety measures effectively.

Why You Need Program Gap Analysis

number 1

Compliance With the Regulations

Strict federal laws implemented by OSHA, EPA, CalOSHA, and CalEPA require companies to have functioning PSM, RMP, and CalARP programs. Not complying with such regulations can result in grave consequences.

number 2

Enhanced Safety for Workers

By conducting a gap analysis for your PSM, RMP, and CalARP programs, you can identify possible hazards and risks with your operational processes. Making necessary adjustments helps you create a safer workplace for your employees.

number 3

Operational Efficiency and Cost Reduction

By addressing the gaps in your PSM, RMP, and CalARP programs, you can implement appropriate risk mitigation measures that can reduce the likelihood of severe workplace incidents.

Program Gap Analysis


The aerospace industry makes use of different combustible chemicals that can endanger the lives of people and cause severe environmental damage if mishandled. Chemical process safety is crucial to prevent such incidents. Saltegra Consulting LLC provides consulting services to help you ensure proper safety programs are in place.

Program Gap Analysis


The biogas/biomass industry is concerned with the use of renewable energy sources from organic matter. Companies in this industry typically utilize different chemicals to convert agricultural waste into biofuel. Saltegra Consulting LLC can help these companies keep their workplaces safe through chemical process safety solutions.

Program Gap Analysis

Chemical Manufacturing

The chemical manufacturing industry is a broad field that encompasses the research, mass production, and distribution of various substances that other sectors will use. To prevent the accidental release of the toxic, flammable, and explosive compounds utilized in their operations, chemical process safety programs are essential.


Reach Out

Saltegra Consulting LLC is here to provide support services for your PSM, RMP, and CalARP programs. Reach out to our team today.