Chemical Process Safety Management | Aerospace Industry



The aerospace industry makes use of different combustible chemicals that can endanger the lives of people and cause severe environmental damage if mishandled. Chemical process safety is crucial to prevent such incidents. Saltegra Consulting LLC provides consulting services to help you ensure proper safety programs are in place. 

Highly Hazardous Chemicals Used in the Aerospace Industry

A number of highly hazardous chemicals are used in the aerospace industry. Many of them are not just flammable and explosive but also toxic when inhaled or ingested. Here are some examples:


Toxic Sign Kerosene

A special type of kerosene is used as jet fuel, and it is a highly flammable substance that can cause fires and large blasts when improperly stored or used. It also poses health risks to those who handle it every day.



Chlorofluorocarbon 113 (CFC-113), like other chlorofluorocarbons, is an extremely dangerous substance that poses health threats to people who handle it. Exposure, especially in confined spaces, can cause asphyxiation and even death in some cases.


Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Commonly abbreviated as MEK, methyl ethyl ketone is a combustible liquid often used to clean aircraft. It is highly flammable, so workers who handle it must be extra cautious to prevent health risks, such as nausea, blurry vision, and lightheadedness.


Importance of Chemical Process Safety in the Aerospace Industry

Chemical process safety is of utmost importance in the aerospace industry because it helps prevent the mishandling of dangerous substances. Here are some benefits of seeking professional process safety services from Saltegra:


Prevention of Chemical-Related Incidents

Chemical-related incidents in the workplace should be avoided at all costs because they usually lead to property damage, which can later lead to profit loss. In the most severe cases, these incidents can also fatally injure employees and destroy the environment.


Protection of Workers and Other People in the Vicinity

Workers, facility managers, visitors, and others in the area can get injured in case of fires, explosions, chemical releases, and other workplace incidents. These situations can be avoided by seeking expert help from process safety consultants.


Compliance With Federal and State Regulations

Federal and state laws have been implemented regarding chemical process safety. Abiding by these regulations is crucial because failure to comply can result in suspensions, fines, and other grave consequences for your business.



The aerospace industry makes use of different combustible chemicals that can endanger the lives of people and cause severe environmental damage if mishandled. Chemical process safety is crucial to prevent such incidents. Saltegra Consulting LLC provides consulting services to help you ensure proper safety programs are in place.



The biogas/biomass industry is concerned with the use of renewable energy sources from organic matter. Companies in this industry typically utilize different chemicals to convert agricultural waste into biofuel. Saltegra Consulting LLC can help these companies keep their workplaces safe through chemical process safety solutions.


Chemical Manufacturing

The chemical manufacturing industry is a broad field that encompasses the research, mass production, and distribution of various substances that other sectors will use. To prevent the accidental release of the toxic, flammable, and explosive compounds utilized in their operations, chemical process safety programs are essential.


Reach Out

Contact our team at Saltegra for assistance with chemical process safety.